Wednesday, August 30, 2006
I cannot do
It is summer.
It goes to the sea, and it swims.
When going up from the sea, I remember a feeling sticky in the body.
Why can "Null" be done?
It thought for a long time.
Though it is the quickest if there is a tool to analyze the null
Being not able to do it is a reality in me.
I can do nothing but think about it is possible to do and I.
Why can the null be done?
Is the function to make the null in shellfish's internal organs provided?
The one that it even if the picture book is seen seem is not found.
The salinity of the null has been measured.
It is a secretion liquid whose salinity is more than seawater.
Salinities that are more than seawater.
Why can the shellfish that lives in the sea put out the secretion liquid whose
salinity is more than seawater?
What is purpose? hunt about the carnivore
The purpose is for might meat (protein) it and the animal to deprive of
salinity. might
The shellfish is eating the plankton in seawater.
It is likely to be able to deprive of the salinity if the plankton has salinity.
Salinities that are more than seawater.
The null with salinities that are more than the salinity of seawater : in
It sinks below because the specific gravity is large.
The null has expanded the photograph of hunting and Nishisazae ..on...
Though ark shell's null stuck in ark shell's shell.
There might be specific gravities various as for the null.
All shellfishes' trying to apply it to one question has impossibility.
I who makes impossibility an expert so am discovered.
It is a maze.
I cannot do.
It goes to the sea, and it swims.
When going up from the sea, I remember a feeling sticky in the body.
Why can "Null" be done?
It thought for a long time.
Though it is the quickest if there is a tool to analyze the null
Being not able to do it is a reality in me.
I can do nothing but think about it is possible to do and I.
Why can the null be done?
Is the function to make the null in shellfish's internal organs provided?
The one that it even if the picture book is seen seem is not found.
The salinity of the null has been measured.
It is a secretion liquid whose salinity is more than seawater.
Salinities that are more than seawater.
Why can the shellfish that lives in the sea put out the secretion liquid whose
salinity is more than seawater?
What is purpose? hunt about the carnivore
The purpose is for might meat (protein) it and the animal to deprive of
salinity. might
The shellfish is eating the plankton in seawater.
It is likely to be able to deprive of the salinity if the plankton has salinity.
Salinities that are more than seawater.
The null with salinities that are more than the salinity of seawater : in
It sinks below because the specific gravity is large.
The null has expanded the photograph of hunting and Nishisazae ..on...
Though ark shell's null stuck in ark shell's shell.
There might be specific gravities various as for the null.
All shellfishes' trying to apply it to one question has impossibility.
I who makes impossibility an expert so am discovered.
It is a maze.
I cannot do.
Salinity measurement of leaf of mandarin orange.
The leaf of the mandarin orange is gathered.

The glass was encompassed with the vinyl this time and it left it for three

Water uses 10ml.

The salinity numerical value is 1.0g/100g.

The glass was encompassed with the vinyl this time and it left it for three

Water uses 10ml.

The salinity numerical value is 1.0g/100g.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
The photograph of littleneck clam's hinge is taken

The photograph of littleneck clam's hinge is taken.
It is understood to be different from ark shell's shape.
Littleneck clam's shell is strong adhesion.
The shell doesn't open with seawater entered the shell in which it died.
The shell doesn't open even if it makes efforts and it pulls it.
The opening method opens when the shell is dropped to the floor.
I think that the filling pull of the tide of hunting and the relation of the
shell are interesting themes.
It is imagined that time that the shell can be sealed up is limited.
Therefore, the time sealed up and physical strength might be supported by putting the body
in sand.
By the filling pull of the tide
When the tide pulls it, the sand pit in the sea becomes hard.
The thing that becomes hard might be convenient for the littleneck clam.
Monday, August 28, 2006
The shell is precise.

It is a photograph of ark shell's hinge today.
It is understood to become like the saw if it often sees.
It assists in the hinge by the one like the hair when seeing from the surface
of the shell.
Mysterious story of shell.
The shell doesn't open easily when the vacuum in the shell.
It is a mysterious point of the shell.
Seemingly, it is indeed elaborately made though it is a shell when consisting
of an easy making.
There is "Boiling body" in one of the methods of cooking the ark shell.
It boils by putting water and the ark shell in the pan, and using the fire.
Time is 15 minutes, and ark shell's shell enters the state to open the mouth.
There is a shellfish that doesn't open the mouth either.
It doesn't open even if it pulls it by the finger.
There is something without contents when the shell is opened with a tool to peel
off the ark shell.
When the shell is a state of emergency
How if the shell is made a vacuum for myself?
It waits by the vacuum until the state of emergency's being evaded and
returning to usual life.
There might be a possibility to be able to leave offspring if it does so.
Hunting enters the state that the shell doesn't open, too.
The shell is precise.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Collection of leaf of mandarin orange

Collection of leaf of mandarin orange
Two leaves are gathered from the tree of the mandarin orange.

The size of the leaf is middle-sized.
Work does always the same process.
Water uses 10ml.
Salinity will be measured in three days.

The salinity numerical value is 1.0g/100g.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Calcium carbonate

It took a picture of "Null" of Nishisazae.
Fta of the shell went out and "Null" had gone out from among a half opening.
The water tank doesn't put air.
It was understood that "Null" expanded toward the surface of the water because
there was no flow of seawater.
The shellfish might put out how of "Null" to put it out by thinking about the direction of seawater and the position of the shell feeling the flow of seawater.
With the shellfish according to the living thing of water (Obunsha Co Ltd BOOK)
The element of the shell seems to be "Calcium carbonate. "
It is Tsmeta shellfish today.
The Tsmeta shellfish seems to puncture hunting and clam's shells, and to eat
the part of contents.
It is exterminated as a shellfish that gives harm though it becomes an ingredient
for that.
The shell how is punctured, and has not been seen by me.
It is yesterday's continuation today.
The Tsmeta shellfish doesn't have secretion liquid "Null" in the shell.
It hunts, and the ark shell, the clam, and Nishisazae have "Null" in the shell.
It understands from the sense of the finger when touching.
The Tsmeta shellfish doesn't have it.
In the part of Tsmeta shellfish's foot, there is "Null".
However, there is no "Null" in the shell.
It is thought that the shell corrodes with seawater if there is no "Null".
It is not convincing that there is no "Null" in Tsmeta shellfish's shell.
The Tsmeta shellfish is put in the bucket and the action is observed today.
A mysterious action is found in the action of the Tsmeta shellfish.

Tsmeta shellfish's foot encompasses the shell.
When this is seen, the shell might be able to be defended from seawater if it
is this body pose.

Though the part of the shell has gone out a little
If it is a deep sea, all the shells might be wrapped.
Even if the shell is put out to seawater until how much time, will it be safe?
It is a new doubt now.
Is the time of the filling pull of the tide related, too?
It is a doubt.
the part of contents.
It is exterminated as a shellfish that gives harm though it becomes an ingredient
for that.
The shell how is punctured, and has not been seen by me.
It is yesterday's continuation today.
The Tsmeta shellfish doesn't have secretion liquid "Null" in the shell.
It hunts, and the ark shell, the clam, and Nishisazae have "Null" in the shell.
It understands from the sense of the finger when touching.
The Tsmeta shellfish doesn't have it.
In the part of Tsmeta shellfish's foot, there is "Null".
However, there is no "Null" in the shell.
It is thought that the shell corrodes with seawater if there is no "Null".
It is not convincing that there is no "Null" in Tsmeta shellfish's shell.
The Tsmeta shellfish is put in the bucket and the action is observed today.
A mysterious action is found in the action of the Tsmeta shellfish.

Tsmeta shellfish's foot encompasses the shell.
When this is seen, the shell might be able to be defended from seawater if it
is this body pose.

Though the part of the shell has gone out a little
If it is a deep sea, all the shells might be wrapped.
Even if the shell is put out to seawater until how much time, will it be safe?
It is a new doubt now.
Is the time of the filling pull of the tide related, too?
It is a doubt.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
It took a picture of secretion "Null" of AKAGAI.

It took a picture of secretion "Null" of AKAGAI.
It is a body fluid of AKAGAI though sees like blood.
It is "Red. "
Because it is red, it might be called AKAGAI.
There is no "Red" in other shellfishes.
Though a red body fluid has mixed
It is "Null. "
"Null" is a transparent color.
Stickiness feeling of liquid.
The silverberry that became liquid.
Cohesiveness is also strong, and it doesn't cut easily.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
leaf of mandarin orange

Collection 1 of leaf of mandarin orange
It is two pieces because it measures it as for the leaf, and the leaf is large though it is incomprehensible in this photograph. The working line is the same as the current.
It is a cause of the failure not to have considered the thing. greatly leaf about the mandarin orange
Water has evaporated on the next day that was gathered and put in the glass. Water is added in addition by 20ml and it puts it in the cup.
Water during the third day did not evaporate from the collection.
The salinity numerical value is 0g/100g.
I see ..the thing that the numerical value falls.. when the volume of water and the number of mandarin orange leaves are ill-balanced.

Collection 2 of leaf of mandarin orange
The working line is the same.
The amount of water is 10ml.
Three days after the collection.
The salinity numerical value is 1.4g/100g.
Monday, August 21, 2006
The salt is the one that has the resolution ability very much

The shells of a dying unnecessary shellfish were collected today.
Will it be the one that months how many passed after it dies?
Because the shell of the dying shellfish was seen, it had thought.
How will the shell to have died return to the soil in the future?
It is thrown into the sea wave, and it knocks against sand, the stone, and the shellfish.
The shape of the shell might not be understood.
The color of the shell of the dying shellfish whitens.
Any shell is the same as this.
Though the shell picked up in the beach to have died also has the one that a beautiful handle still remained
The shell to have died in the sea whitens.
The shell in the photograph is the one having collected today (what to have died in the sea).
It has noticed here.
Does the shell corrode why?
It might be the one thrown by the wind effect in the sea.
However, I want you to see the photograph.
A lot of small holes are open to the surface of the shell.
Being able the shell's to be being broken because of the wave or to cut down the surface of the shell by friction
It is possible to understand.
Is a small hole open why?
It made it to doing a selfish usual imagination here.
The shell might been melted with salt water.
The salt is the one that has the resolution ability very much.
It is possible to make the metal corroded easily.
If salt water has power to melt the shell
Why does not the shell to be alive melt?
The shellfish might be doing the device to which ..alive.. , doesn't melt.
I imagined "Secretion liquid".
Not only shellfishes but also fishes have the secretion liquid.
Because I do not want to soak it in salt water, the shellfish might be vomiting the secretion liquid directly in the shell.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Salinity measurement of leaf of mandarin orange

Salinity measurement of leaf of mandarin orange
The number of leaves is two today.
The leaf of the gathered mandarin orange is small.
Always the same process is done and the third day.
The salinity numerical value is 1.4g/100g.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Or, is it littleneck clam's excrement?

The secretion has gone out of Asari's foot.
Is it a state before being able to do Tait?
Or, is it littleneck clam's excrement?
The secretion is cohesiveness.
Friday, August 18, 2006
I think that it was too hot today.

The fry fell under the water tank and it was dead when returning from the company today.
I think that it was too hot today.
It was with the room had been closed all day long.
It seems still to remain several.
New water was added to the water tank.
Though it only has to manage to become.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Is it "Shellfish's gills. "?

MURASAKIEGAI is a careful shellfish.
The shellfish is not shown to act.
The photograph of today took opening shellfish's husk.
I started and saw.
The internal organs of a white transparency was seen.
Is it "Shellfish's gills. "?
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
It will add salinity in four days 0.4g/100g.
Angelfish artificial breeding
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Summer Sonic
Good morning.
It will go to " Summer Sonic" in the future.
The tiredness of work until yesterday has not come off yet.
It is muscular pain.
It has a pain in the waist.
Clothes will be changed in the future and it goes to Makuhari Messe by train and bus.
What will the dress put on?
There is no update of today.
It will go to " Summer Sonic" in the future.
The tiredness of work until yesterday has not come off yet.
It is muscular pain.
It has a pain in the waist.
Clothes will be changed in the future and it goes to Makuhari Messe by train and bus.
What will the dress put on?
There is no update of today.
Shellfish's direction might be correct.

Because shellfish's name is not understood, it examines it with the picture book.
Because the flood tube and the insertion water pipe were abnormally long, it took in the photograph.
Flesh-colored is a flood tube, an insertion water pipe, and I think that the black is shellfish's excrement.
Even if the flood tube cuts, the appearance that moves while having cut is surprised.
The picture book is seen though it thought.
I thought that how to publish the photograph of Macai was wrong of it.
I think that shellfish's head should come in shellfish's progressing direction of the photograph.
The published photograph is a point that all shellfish's hips become it up.
I think that it is wrong that all water pipes become it below.
It is because the water pipe becomes a head when thinking from shellfish's movement.
As for the picture book, all hips are published in the photograph that the head did below on the above.
Designing, though it might have been thought that this was the best
The insect comes up all heads and is taken of a picture.
With this, I do not think that it is consistent.
There might be a theory that the traveling direction is not shellfish's head.
I'm sorry by it when wrong because I of the amateur do not understand.
Friday, August 11, 2006

It is a photograph of careful MURASAKIEGAI.
A big shellfish is MURASAKIEGAI.
It is unrelated to today's story in a small shellfish in the vicinity.
The one that had been postponed like the stick MURASAKIEGAI ahead was taken.
Whether it is a water pipe or a mouth or an insertion water pipe is not understood.
MURASAKIEGAI doesn't show careful the action pattern easily.
Not being possible to explain might be a charm of MURASAKIEGAI.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
However, why does the shellfish feel person's sign?

Being seen with Macai well in Tokyo Bay is "Nishisazae. "
It is a top shell delicious as food.
It is a water pipe of Nishisazae today though the photograph might be dark, and be incomprehensible.
I think that it is understood to go out of the part of hips of the shell.
The movement of the water pipe does similar movement to Asari's flood tube.
It enters the shell when person's sign is felt.
It is a photograph taken back of the shell.
The water pipe is seen.
I thought that it was an anus.
However, why does the shellfish feel person's sign?
Are functions of eyes provided?
The density of salinity of the leaf of the mandarin orange was 0.0g/100g.
There is the change.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Not the crow shellfish but the formal nomenclature is MURASAKIEGAI. (Japan)
The numerical value is 0.0g/100g.

It is a matter of "Leaf of the mandarin orange" written yesterday.
It had recalled, and it recalled the thing put at the experiment on the previous state today.
It recalled the thing that diffused while pushing the leaf of the mandarin orange with the stick of the tree.
And, it tried today.
Reflected next to the photograph is a stick of the tree. (tool to peel off Asari)
And, it measured it.
It took a picture of the salinity measuring instrument with a new cellular phone.
The numerical value is 0.0g/100g.
Did yesterday?The amount of salinity will go up because it was -1.0g/100g.
It embarrassed it.
Which is on earth correct?
Is salinity attached to the stick of the tree?
Monday, August 07, 2006
muscle of shellfish

Because the crow shellfish was dead, it sees in the shellfish.
Because crow shellfish's unexpected thing had been found up to now, it took in the photograph.
The crow shellfish is a point of Asari etc. different from the shellfish by two pieces.
I think that first of all, there is only one adductor muscle of shellfish.
The opening and shutting of the shellfish is not a style like Asari.
There must be a side film thought to be able to understand from seeing the photograph.
In addition, the side film is a thing that the circular aperture is open.
It is uncertain whether the hole is open why.
The side film is put between the shellfish and the shellfish.
The reason is uncertain.
It did not know the crow shellfish had provided such a function up to now.
Maybe, the dying crow shellfish thinks it is about the second in postmortem.
There was considerable sand in the shellfish.
It is uncertain whether to provide the function to vomit sand.
There is no internal organs on the second day of postmortem because rot was advanced.
Salinity numerical value of leaf of mandarin orange written yesterday?
It was -1.0g/100g.
There was no salinity at all.
?As for this, even I do not understand be good when explaining very. I'm sorry.
Sunday, August 06, 2006
It was-0.8g/100g. (cabbage)

It tears up the cabbage before the rest of the company and it puts it in water.
The density of salinity is examined.
The result?
It was -0.8g/100g.
There is no salinity at all.
It thought about the thing of the leaf of the mandarin orange here.
I am not doing the fraud.
It thought about the possibility that the numerical value is changed in the cause of something though it did not do in the fraud.
Only the mandarin orange is irrational and it is irrational that the numerical value is high.
It doesn't have the memory of doing the thing that changes specially.
It experiments again because it has come to be worried.
Because it is strange.
It doesn't understand.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Is not the string put why?

I think that it is the one that the crow shellfish had adhered to Asari's husk.
The crow shellfish doesn't understand the reason to do such a thing why.
Is not the string put why?
Why is a concrete object necessary yet?
It is not possible to understand.
It is not convincing.
Concrete objects were collected.
The object has signs in which it clung to the husk on careful survey.
It is because the shape of Asari's husk remains in respect of the object.
Did you cling when Asari was alive?
Or, did you cling to dying Asari?
Because the action in the sea is not observed, it doesn't understand.
Friday, August 04, 2006
What will it be egg?

The reason to choose YABUKARASHI (plant name) is that the insect often flies.
Insect's such as the butterfly, flies, and bees collecting places.
The way of the experiment
The part of the flower was gathered in detail completely, and it put it in water.
The part of the leaf was gathered in detail completely, and it put it in water.
Is the experiment started at the same time, and with which does the salinity measurement result of three days :?It was 0.2g/100g.
Insects seem not to have gathered for salinity.
It seems to have requested honey. (Do not understand accurately because there is no tool to measure the sugar degree. )
A lot of small, small eggs had placed to the stalk of the flower in the photograph though it did not see.
What will it be egg?
Thursday, August 03, 2006
The skin on crow shellfish's

The crow shellfish that was dead was found.
It takes it home without throwing it away because it is beautiful though the color of the husk had discolored to green.
The skin on crow shellfish's surface is noticed to come off.
The skin is a light, beautiful color.
The nature like homoeogryllus japonicus's wing did the touched feeling.
Photograph after. take skin
The husk cracks easily.
It cracked easily by one hand.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Object of mystery

Object of mystery
It be what on earth?
The answer is not understood.
However, I think that it is crow shellfish's in my little experience.
It is uncertain whether the crow shellfish is making it from what purpose.
When you say whether to have concluded crow shellfish's why
It cleaned in the water tank tank, and, perhaps, I thought that it is about five years the other day.
The shellfish included only the crow shellfish in the tank.
It thought so because it was by the crow shellfish.
There were a lot of one of the one in the tank that was the straight line.
This object similarly has the shape of one line, and the inside is a cave.
Like the straw.
In addition, hardness like shellfish.
Material feeling that can be thought like cement.
For what on earth is done will the crow shellfish do these kind of things?
The action in the sea is not straw.
I think that it can have worn this object by time's passing.
It is strength as not possible to be done at all for a day and one week.
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Now is like the egg laying season

It is "NISHISAZAE" today.
Now is like the egg laying season.
The egg is laid in my shell as shown in the photograph.
The egg is very laid in my shell or it has not seen.
In the average of the bag, there is an egg.
There was an egg in a sticky liquid when the bag was broken.
The color of the egg is yellow.
There is no solid feeling at all even if it touches by the finger.
The egg breaks only in touching by the finger, and it has become liquid.
The density of salinity of the liquid in the bag is 2.8g/100g.
It apologizes here. The numerical value that the other day wrote has been written by mistake. The amount of salinity of water is not 0.5g but the minus 0.5g. Perhaps, I think that it is the same display as the thermometer. Therefore, I think that it is wrong. I'm sorry. Today's numerical value is rewritten.
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