Monday, August 28, 2006
The shell is precise.

It is a photograph of ark shell's hinge today.
It is understood to become like the saw if it often sees.
It assists in the hinge by the one like the hair when seeing from the surface
of the shell.
Mysterious story of shell.
The shell doesn't open easily when the vacuum in the shell.
It is a mysterious point of the shell.
Seemingly, it is indeed elaborately made though it is a shell when consisting
of an easy making.
There is "Boiling body" in one of the methods of cooking the ark shell.
It boils by putting water and the ark shell in the pan, and using the fire.
Time is 15 minutes, and ark shell's shell enters the state to open the mouth.
There is a shellfish that doesn't open the mouth either.
It doesn't open even if it pulls it by the finger.
There is something without contents when the shell is opened with a tool to peel
off the ark shell.
When the shell is a state of emergency
How if the shell is made a vacuum for myself?
It waits by the vacuum until the state of emergency's being evaded and
returning to usual life.
There might be a possibility to be able to leave offspring if it does so.
Hunting enters the state that the shell doesn't open, too.
The shell is precise.
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