Wednesday, August 23, 2006
leaf of mandarin orange

Collection 1 of leaf of mandarin orange
It is two pieces because it measures it as for the leaf, and the leaf is large though it is incomprehensible in this photograph. The working line is the same as the current.
It is a cause of the failure not to have considered the thing. greatly leaf about the mandarin orange
Water has evaporated on the next day that was gathered and put in the glass. Water is added in addition by 20ml and it puts it in the cup.
Water during the third day did not evaporate from the collection.
The salinity numerical value is 0g/100g.
I see ..the thing that the numerical value falls.. when the volume of water and the number of mandarin orange leaves are ill-balanced.

Collection 2 of leaf of mandarin orange
The working line is the same.
The amount of water is 10ml.
Three days after the collection.
The salinity numerical value is 1.4g/100g.
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