Saturday, August 12, 2006
Shellfish's direction might be correct.

Because shellfish's name is not understood, it examines it with the picture book.
Because the flood tube and the insertion water pipe were abnormally long, it took in the photograph.
Flesh-colored is a flood tube, an insertion water pipe, and I think that the black is shellfish's excrement.
Even if the flood tube cuts, the appearance that moves while having cut is surprised.
The picture book is seen though it thought.
I thought that how to publish the photograph of Macai was wrong of it.
I think that shellfish's head should come in shellfish's progressing direction of the photograph.
The published photograph is a point that all shellfish's hips become it up.
I think that it is wrong that all water pipes become it below.
It is because the water pipe becomes a head when thinking from shellfish's movement.
As for the picture book, all hips are published in the photograph that the head did below on the above.
Designing, though it might have been thought that this was the best
The insect comes up all heads and is taken of a picture.
With this, I do not think that it is consistent.
There might be a theory that the traveling direction is not shellfish's head.
I'm sorry by it when wrong because I of the amateur do not understand.
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