Monday, July 30, 2007
color of the shell

It is written to have noticed because it takes a picture of the color
of this shellfish's shell today.
First of all, please look at the photograph.

The color of the shell on the side of which the water pipe of the
shell went out was a pink color.
It has taken a picture of this before.
The shell thought that the pink color was unusual.
It was thought that it was unnatural that the handle of pink color
existed in the natural world.
It wondered because it was attached to the place where a partial, of pink
color black handle was the same.
Do you change from the pink color into the black?
Or, oppositely
Do you divide from the black into the pink color?
The color of other shells was seen because it had thought so.

When you often see the color of the shell
It is understood that signs that were the pink colors before remain.
From pink color white
Or, the state before it changes from the pink color into the black?
It thought variously solving.
How though thought it is similar to the change in the color of the
shell ahead at the shell of Hombinos?
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