Sunday, May 20, 2007
Binos shellfish

Apparently, two kinds of Binos shellfishes that live in Tokyo Bay might exist.
Binos shellfish in photograph contributed today.
The color, the luster of the shell, and the touched feeling are different though
the shape of two shells is the same when often seeing.
The husk of the Binos shellfish that had taken it today was divided.
The color of the shell of the the water pipe part part of the shell
was found to be different.
The color is purple.
It is beautiful purple.
One layer of attached the color thin when a purple section layer is seen.
In addition, the layer that became signs and white that became purple is
understood before when often seeing.
Why does the color adhere?
Spawning season expected sexual excitement.
Will the one that the color adhered be Binos shellfish, and be it Hombinos
shellfish that the color doesn't adhere?
Or, reverse-?.
I think that it can do nothing but inspect DNA of clarification about the
sleep fishery ministry that ..Muri.. has it in me.
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